Sunday morning I met Eileen again in the lobby of her hotel for a half day birding in the Biesbosch area. From the car we looked at some Greenshanks, Common Sandpipers, Spoonbills and a Wheatear sitting on a bridge.
After parking the car we start a walk. A Garden Warbler and some Cetti’s Warblers are singing. On one of the lakes we found a male Smew and a foraging Black Tern. There are also lots of Blackcaps singing and we got a glimpse of a Wren.
We found some Garganey’s and an Osprey near his nest. After a small break with coffee and a stroopwafel we get on track again and Eileen finds a Green Woodpecker near the parking lot.
We see some butterflies, an Orange Tip and a Peacock. We end the morning with a singing Common Redstart but before we drive back to The Hague we try to see a Little Owl but sadly that one is not outside.