20221016 Delta

Gepubliceerd op 16 oktober 2022 om 17:16

Trip report from Max Waasdijk guiding a half day private tour at the delta south of Rotterdam


We started the day at the Brouwersdam, where fortunately it just got dry after a wet ride from
Den Hoorn. Unfortunately it was still very windy and chilly, but that did not spoil the fun.


Various Ruddy Turnstones, Sanderlings, Oystercatchers and Eurasian Curlews walked across the blocks.
Where the airspace was filled by migrating Common Chaffinches and Meadow Pipits.


Around the Plompe Toren it turned out to be very quiet, but still added some new day species in the
form of Northern Wheatear, Cetti's warbler, Eurasian Wigeon, European Golden plover, Firecrest and
White Wagtail. A hunting Northern Goshawk caused the necessary panic, but soon disappeared behind the dike. In the street along the dike we were lucky and we saw House Sparrow, Eurasian
Wren and Dunnock at 2 meters next to the car in the same bush.

The Prunjepolder was really full of Wigeons, Common Teals, Northern Lapwings and Golden Plover.
The last two gave some fantastic air shows! From the tower in the middle of the area we could finally
write both, Little and Great White Egret and we heard the only Common Kingfisher of the day calling
from the creek near the farms. A small pond on the outside of the area turned out to be a true wader
walhalla where we saw Common Greenshank, Little and Temminck Stint, Wood Sandpiper and Ruffs

Via some small roads we drove back to the Brouwersdam, where it had become almost windless and
sunny by now. While enjoying a bowl of kibbeling we enjoyed at least 2 Harbour and 5 Gray seals
that were hunting in the sluce.

We ended the day in Ouddorp where the bushes were unfortunately very empty and we mainly saw
Robins. The last large group of (Barnacle) Geese was also checked for a Red-breasted Goose, but
unfortunately it was not in it today.

  1. Little Grebe
  2. Great-crested Grebe
  3. Great Cormorant
  4. Grey Heron
  5. Great Egret
  6. Little Egret
  7. Eurasian Spoonbill
  8. Mute Swan
  9. Greylag Goose
  10. Barnacle Goose
  11. Dark-bellied Brent
  12. Common Shelduck
  13. Eurasian Wigeon
  14. Gadwall
  15. Eurasian Teal
  16. Mallard
  17. Northern Shoveler
  18. Tufted Duck
  19. Sparrowhawk
  20. Northern Goshawk
  21. Common Buzzard
  22. Kestrel
  23. Moorhen
  24. Coot
  25. Oystercatcher
  26. Avocet
  27. Northern Lapwing
  28. Golden Plover
  29. Ringed Plover
  30. Eurasian Snipe
  31. Curlew
  32. Common Redshank
  33. Greenshank
  34. Wood Sandpiper
  35. Ruddy Turnstone
  36. Sanderling
  37. Little Stint
  38. Temminck's Stint
  39. Ruff
  40. Greater Black-backed Gull
  41. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  42. Herring Gull
  43. Black-headed Gull
  44. Stock Dove
  45. Wood Pigeon
  46. Collared Dove
  47. Greater Spotted Woodpecker
  48. Skylark
  49. White Wagtail
  50. Meadow Pipit
  51. Rock Pipit
  52. Water Pipit
  53. Firecrest
  54. Wren
  55. Dunnock
  56. Blackbird
  57. Song Thrush
  58. Redwing
  59. Cetti's Warbler
  60. Chiffchaff
  61. European Robin
  62. Stonechat
  63. Northern Wheatear
  64. Long-tailed Tit
  65. Great Tit
  66. Blue Tit
  67. Short-toed Treecreeper
  68. Eurasian Jay
  69. Magpie
  70. Jackdaw
  71. Carrion Crow
  72. European Starling
  73. House Sparrow
  74. Chaffinch
  75. Goldfinch
  76. Linnet
  77. Reed Bunting
    *Ring-necked Pheasant
    *Egyptian Goose
    *Black Swan