20240519 Zeeland half day

Gepubliceerd op 19 mei 2024 om 19:12

This morning's tour in Zeeland was focussed on finding various species of waders.


We started at the Brouwersdam but the Purple Sandpipers were no longer to be found, still we got Grey and Ringed Plovers on migration. In these flocks were also a Red Knot and some Dunlins.


In the area of the Prunjepolder we were able to find a pair of Black-winged Stilts, Kentish Plovers and more waders such Curlew, Whimbrel, Black- and Bar-tailed Godwit. We ended the day with 3 European Shags which were also one of the target list.

  1. Great-crested Grebe
  2. Black-throated Grebe
  3. European Shag
  4. Great Cormorant
  5. Grey Heron
  6. Little Egret
  7. Eurasian Spoonbill
  8. Mute Swan
  9. Greylag Goose
  10. Barnacle Goose
  11. Dark-bellied Brent
  12. Common Shelduck
  13. Gadwall
  14. Mallard
  15. Northern Shoveler
  16. Common Pochard
  17. Tufted Duck
  18. Eider
  19. Marsh Harrier
  20. Sparrowhawk
  21. Northern Goshawk
  22. Common Buzzard
  23. Kestrel
  24. Moorhen
  25. Coot
  26. Oystercatcher
  27. Black-winged Stilt
  28. Avocet
  29. Northern Lapwing
  30. Grey Plover
  31. Ringed Plover
  32. Little Ringed Plover
  33. Kentish Plover
  34. Black-tailed Godwit
  35. Bar-tailed Godwit
  36. Eurasian Whimbrel
  37. Curlew
  38. Common Redshank
  39. Greenshank
  40. Common Sandpiper
  41. Ruddy Turnstone
  42. Red Knot
  43. Dunlin
  44. Common Gull
  45. Greater Black-backed Gull
  46. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  47. Herring Gull
  48. Mediterranean Gull
  49. Black-headed Gull
  50. Sandwich Tern
  51. Common Tern
  52. Little Tern
  53. Stock Dove
  54. Wood Pigeon
  55. Collared Dove
  56. Common Cuckoo
  57. Common Swift
  58. Skylark
  59. House Martin
  60. Barn Swallow
  61. White Wagtail
  62. Pied Wagtail
  63. Yellow Wagtail
  64. Meadow Pipit
  65. Wren
  66. Dunnock
  67. Blackbird
  68. Sedge Warbler
  69. Reed Warbler
  70. Icterine Warbler
  71. Blackcap
  72. Common Whitethroat
  73. Lesser Whitethroat
  74. Common Nightingale
  75. Long-tailed Tit
  76. Great Tit
  77. Blue Tit
  78. Magpie
  79. Jackdaw
  80. Carrion Crow
  81. European Starling
  82. House Sparrow
  83. Greenfinch
  84. Goldfinch
  85. Linnet
  86. Reed Bunting
    *Ring-necked Pheasant
    *Egyptian Goose
    *Black Swan